Japan Pulp & Paper Group Human Rights Policy
Recognizing that respect for human rights lies at the foundation of all our business activities, and based on our basic philosophy of respect for the human rights of all people involved in our business, the Japan Pulp & Paper Group (the “group”) has drawn up this Group Human Rights Policy to ensure that we meet our responsibility to respect the human rights of all people involved in our business.
In accordance with this policy, we will promote measures to ensure respect for human rights as we work to achieve our aim of realizing a sustainable society.
1. Basic Approach
Based on the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we support and respect the UN International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other international norms on human rights.
2. Scope of Application
This policy applies to all executives and employees working at the group. We will also expect our suppliers and other business partners to understand and support this policy, and urge them to respect human rights.
3. Due Diligence on Human Rights
In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we will establish and operate a system for due diligence on human rights, in order to identify, prevent, and minimize any negative impact on human rights arising from our business activities.
4. Redress
If it becomes evident that the group has caused or contributed to any negative impact on human rights, we will take steps to redress and correct this through the appropriate procedures. We will also establish a system to deal with complaints about human rights violations, and ensure that it is operated in an appropriate manner so that no disadvantage accrues to the whistleblower.
5. Dialogue and Discussions with Stakeholders
In dealing with any negative impact on human rights, we will take advice from experts, and create opportunities for dialogue with relevant stakeholders to discuss the matter sincerely.
6. Education for Executives and Employees
We will provide appropriate training and education for executives and employees to ensure that this policy is understood and strictly adhered to throughout the group.
7. Disclosure of Information
We will disclose information relating to our measures on human rights appropriately.
8. Responsibility
We will appoint a director responsible for the execution of this policy, and to supervise its implementation.
9. Strict Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply strictly with the laws and regulations in force in the countries and regions where we do business. Where the laws and regulations of a country or region differ from or are in conflict with international human rights norms, we will seek to find a way to respect the international principles of human rights.
Established February 8, 2022
Akihiko Watanabe, President
Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
Effective April 1, 2022